Amazing Statistical facts on the social Network
The usage of internet is growing rapidly throughout
the world and hence the use of the social networking also. Here are some of the
amazing statistics of various social networking sites such as Facebook,
Google+, and Twitter etc.
An average Facebook user spends 21 minutes on
Facebook per day.
Currently 1.35 billion monthly active users on Facebook.
21% of Facebook users are only from Asia which
is only 4 percent less than Asia's population. And there are 228 million daily active
users in Asia.
72 present of the online adults login to their
account at least once in a month.
Regular users of Facebook mobile about 488
23 percent of Facebook's users check account five
or more times in a day.
Facebook has 42 million "Pages" with
10 or more likes.
There are a total of 864 million active daily
users of Facebook.
Only 43 percent of Facebook users are male,
while 57 percent of Facebook users are female.
An average Facebook user has about 130 friends.
More than 1 million websites have integrated
with Facebook in various ways.
Every day 250 million photos are uploaded to
Google+ Statistics
Every day 625,000 new users enter into Google+.
In America Only 8 percent have a Google+ profile
In a day Google +1 button is used 5 billion
times by all users throughout the world.
Google+ costs about $585 million and has taken
over 500 employees to build.
Among all the Google+ users in the world 42
percent are single and 27 percent are married.
An average Google+ user spend 12 minutes per day
on the Google+.
68 percent of Google+ users are Male while only
32 percent are female.
An average active user spend over 60 minutes a
day across Google products
Websites which use the +1 button generate 3.5
times the Google+ visits than sites without the button.
At least 60 percent of Google+ users log in
At least 80 percent of Google+ users engage on a
weekly basis.
There is about 48 percent of fortune global 100
companies are on Google+.
Twitter Statistics
The average Twitter user has tweeted 307 times.
Since the rise of Twitter, there have been a
total of 163 billion tweets.
56 percent of customer tweets to companies are
being ignored.
USA has the maximum number of Twitter users of
107 million users, followed by Brazil with 33 million users.
An average user follows/followed by 51 people.
32 percent of Internet users use Twitter.
69 percent of follows on Twitter are suggested
by friends
YouTube is the most followed brand on Twitter is
with 19 million followers
The USA's 141.8 million accounts represents 27.4
percent of all Twitter users
In every second 11 accounts are created on
34 percent of the marketers have generated leads
using Twitter.
Instagram Statistics
Since the beginning of Instagram nearly 4
billion photos have been shared in it.
For every second there are about 575 likes and
81 comments by the Instagram users.
The Android version of Instagram has received
over 430,000 pre-registrations.
Each day more than 5 million photos are uploaded
to Instagram.
40 percent of brands have adopted Instagram for
It just took 10 months for Instagram to reach
the milestone of having 150M pictures uploaded.
- In a short span of six-months, Instagram's average daily mobile visitors have been increased from 886,000 to 7.3 million visitors.
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