Billionaires of the world

World’s richest persons and theirs earnings

The following is the top 10 list of richest persons in the world which is published by Forbes.

1.      59 year old Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft stood first as the world’s richest person with net amount of $80.3 Billion.
2.      Warren Buffet is the second richest person with 72.8 billion dollars. He is from United States of age 84 years.
3.      Carlos Slim Helu & family from Mexico is the third richest person with his net worth of $69 B. He is of age 74 years.
4.      Amancio Ortega is fourth richest with net  amount of $59.6 B. He is of 78 years old who belongs to spain.
5.      Larry Ellisonis of Oracle is the fifth has worth of $51.5 B at age of 70 years. He is from United States.
6.      Christy Walton & family of Wal-Mart stood at sixth position in the list with $40.7 B. She is also the world’s richest lady of age 59 years and belongs to US.
7.      Charles Koch is the seventh richest with $40.3 B. He is of 79 years old and is also from the US.
8.      David Koch is also ranked as the seventh richest person with $40.3 B. He also from US of age 74 years.
9.      Jim Walton is ranked ninth with $39.8 B. He is of 66 years old from United States.
10.  Alice Walton is at tenth with $38.4 billion. She is the second richest women in the world. She is of 65 years old from United States.

Other highlights of richest persons in the world.

·         Among the top ten, eight persons are only from the United States and in the top forty 26 person are from US.
·         Christy Walton is the richest woman in the world and there are only two women in the top ten richest rankings.
·         Mukesh Ambani is the 36th richest person in the world with $19.5 billion and the richest person in India.
·         Amancio Ortega from Spain is the richest person in Europe.
·         Li Ka-shing who is from Hong Kong is the richest in Asia and is listed at 17th having $29.4 billion.

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