Google top searches in 2014

Google trends 2014

Most across the world use Google as primary search engine and also many uses as the home page too. Have you get a question that what most of the people search for? Take a look at the Google’s top searches in the past year 2014.

Top trending search of the year 2014

1.      “Robin Williams” is the most searched in Google this year, 2014.
2.      “World Cup” is the second most searched in the world.
3.      The deadly virus Ebola which is the cause of many deaths is the third most searched and top most in global news.
4.      Malaysia Airlines is the fourth most searched in Google and its stands third in the Global news.
5.      ALS Ice Bucket Challenge stands fifth most searched.
6.      Flappy Bird
7.      Conchita Wurst is at seventh position of Google search rankings in 2014.
8.      ISIS is eight most searched.
9.      The Hollywood movie ‘Frozen’ is the ninth most searched.
10.  Sochi Olympic stands as the 10th most searched in the Google.
11.  iPhone 6 is the top most searched in the consumer electronics and iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test is fifth most searched in YouTube.
12.  James Rodriguez is the top most searched athlete in the Google.
13.  World Cup 2014 is the most watched Google Doodle in 2014
14.  Mutant Giant Spider Dog (SA Wardega) is most watched in YouTube in 2014.

15.  Brazil vs. Germany is trending at the top in the World Cup Matches.

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